At 11:06 AM 7/26/2007, you wrote:

>No, we didn't. The IFR does have a pad built into its generator output
>and the Motorola Spectra mobile is probably fairly close to 50 ohms.

<----I have yet to see a receiver from anyone that is 50 ohms. 
Besides, you know what they say about close but no cigar, yes? :-)

>The interference is that the repeater is receiving the public safety
>transmitter very clearly which has led me to think intermod. This
>TKR-720 is running about 40 Watts.

<---Intermod means there is mixing in YOUR PA with some outside RF 
energy. Could be, could be not. You need to run all the frequencies 
used at your site in order to identify any possible 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 
so on products. Or it might be a straight mix. BTW, what do you mean 
by "interference"? Are you hearing other signals or is is something 
else? (knowing the 'sound' of the interference generally goes a long 
way at identifying it)


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