I went up to a radio site Sunday, and found the AC Voltage Averaging  
in the 90's, peaking as high as 103, and dipping down as low as 83  
volts. My customers equipment was going into convulsion. By the way,  
it was only about 100 degrees outside. I thought it strange when I  
walked into the next room, and heard the frequency at which the  
cooling fans spin stepping up and down.

Paul Metzger

On Sep 4, 2007, at 20:00, Mike Morris wrote:

>  From an email I received....
>> Yup, 105.4 F heat and line voltage of 104.1 VAC.  And,
>> on the next day, they made an 'adjustment' in the power
>> and I had 102.3 VAC with my outdoor temp of 104.3.
>> It is not good when your thermometer
>> reads more than the AC voltmeter.

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