On Sep 26, 2007, at 5:42 PM, Doug Bade wrote:

>          Much of it is commercially type accepted as we have a
> commercial band from 216-220 that is populated with LTR users in some
> places..it is not Part 90  but it is a commercial band segment.
> Coastal radio services ( Maritime) and shared with some land mobile
> auction licensees away from the coastal areas...( I am not referring
> to the 220-222 segment using ACSB etc.... that IS Part 90.....)
>          TAIT is one of the vendors that supports this market... also
> Kenwood I hear, but I have never seen those particular radios in  
> person...

I've also seen some odd-ball 220 MHz Motorola rigs on eBay recently,  
but it looked like they came from a foreign market and weren't  
targeted at the U.S. segment.

Could be wrong about that one, for sure.

Nate Duehr

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