   Here are two pictures for some reference:

Also, when you flip open the control tray, make sure the blue ribbon cable is 
plugged in and secure as well as the smaller 5pin power connector that I think 
you may have seen all ready at J701. From there, you might want to look at all 
the fuses on the board. 


----- Original Message ----
From: Jim Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 12:05:13 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Help with dead msf 5000

I bought a msf 5000 cxb vhf station for my club to build a repeater. 
this unit was rack mounted along with several public safety repeaters 
so I did not get it in the original cabinet. I was shipped the power 
supply, the pa and the rf deck with controller. Before shipping the 
seller removed a secure board because hams do not usually need them and 
we dont. I reasembled the unit in a 4' GE cabinet and connected all 
the cables that were sent to me as best as i could figure out without 
any instructions. When i plug the station in the 12 vdc cooling fans 
come on but the control deck is dead. I found 1 cable that came from 
the power supply and plugged it into a jack on the rear of the rf deck 
and another cable that went to the pa from the rf deck. I also found 
and connected the rf cables as needed. There are still some left over 
connecter pins on the pc board at the rear of the rf deck that I do not 
know what is supposed to be connected to. Inside the control deck I 
see what looks like a 5 pin connector coming from the rf deck and it 
does contain 13.2 vdc on the red and black wires. Something must be 
missing causing the controler not to light up at all. Cam anyone 
supply me a interconnect diagram so I can see if i have a missing cable.

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