(1) This e-mail falsely claimed to be an Amber Alert. That's a specific process 
used in very recent kidnappings. This one hasn't been on Amber Alert status for 
over two years.

(2) Crying "wolf" like this raises the noise level, and dulls everyone's level 
of alertness to real Amber Alerts for kids who might be found.

(3) The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has its own 
electronic notification list. That's not what this one's for. They don't use 
theirs for cold cases FOR A REASON.

(4) If the message qualified as spam, we're all in violation of list rules by 
responding to it.

My e-mail client can direct all incoming messages from a specific sender 
directly to the trash can. Works great. It now has one more banishee. Problem 

Paul, AE4KR

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tony VE6MVP 
  To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 6:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: SPAM was amber alert, SNOPES VERIFIED, 
sent to you by Dan Long

  At 11:58 PM 2008-07-12 +0000, Tom wrote:

    While I did not originate this messge or have any previous part in
    it's distribution, I can only wonder, Terry, if your attitude about it
    might be a little different if it's contents pertained to one of those
    little boys clinging to your shoulders in your picture on QRZ. The
    fact that it's two years old only adds to the desperation those
    parents must be feeling over this. Don't forget, you are a living
    being first (even if it is only a human) and a ham second (or third or
    fourth or tenth). You would do well to try to show some compassion in
    that, seemingly, miserable life of yours.

  Whoa.   Disagree with a person that's fine.  However personal attacks such as 
using terms like "miserable life of yours" are unacceptable.

  That said the original poster should've check snopes.com or other similar 
sites or just done a quick search on the girl's name.  When you read the story 
the girl was in the company of a man who was the boyfriend of the girls aunt 
and legal guardian and who apparently committed suicide.  Thus the chances of 
the girl being alive are vanishingly small.  

  And the posting was off topic for this mailing list.



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