I am talking about the newer Kenwood repeater's TKR's   about the last 2 years 
or so.  Also Kenwood has a new repeater the NXR-800  UHF and the NXR-700 VHF.

Will be testing the NXR-800 soon.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: wd8chl 
  To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 11:26 AM
  Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Kenwood squelch quality

  chappyr wrote:
  > A club is considering Kenwood TKR 
  > repeaters for 2M and 440. The 2M repeater 
  > will be "carrier squelch"--no tone. 
  > Would appreciate comments how well the
  > Kenwood squelch works, compared to the famous
  > Micor squelch, RLC-MOT, MASTR2, etc.
  > Thanks -- kd4ss

  You're talking about the newer TKR-750/850, right?
  It seems they are pretty stable in the ones I've listened to over the 
  air. Doesn't have the real quick drop-out of the Micor, but it's reasonable.
  I HIGHLY recommend, however, that the capability of putting the repeater 
  in tone-access remotely be included. You WILL have the need to keep 
  out-of-town signals on the same frequency from bringing up your repeater 
  at some time or another.


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