I have long considered building my own 2m repeater out of 2 Icom 2100 or 2200 back to back thru a repeater controller, using a good duplexer and a Comet or Hustler antenna. Here are my questions:

1. Nobody seems to like the Comet or Hustler antennas. Why? I have no ice here, lots of wind tho.

2. Why is a 50w 2m transceiver, derated to 25w and driving a power amp a bad choice? Or is it OK?

3.  Any suggestions on how to keep the duplexer cavities affordable?

4.  Which repeater controller?  Or is that a religious question?

Anything else I should be wary of?

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     gomberg1 at wcf dot com
All addresses, phones, etc. at http://www.wcf.com/ham/info.html

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