I've tried everything, it seems, and I still have desense!!

Even when I connect only the repeater (Yaesu Musen FTR-1510) and a
controller (needed to make the repeater transmit) and put a dummy load
on the TX out, I get desense.

Following up on Eric's suggestion about holes leaking RF, I sealed the
edges and holes in the TX and RX units inside the repeater, and I built
a shield to enclose the back side of the TX connector that is on the
back side of the repeater. That might have reduced the desense a little
bit, but not much. 

I even ran the TX feedline to an outside wire-mesh chair in an effort to
reduce any possible radiation getting from the dummy load to the
receiver. There was still the same desense. 

The desense is at least 10 dB.

It appears to me that the desense has to be occurring inside the
repeater cabinet, but for the life of me I can't see how this can be.
Everything seems to be well shielded.

So, I'd very much like to hear your theories and suggestions. Is there
some way to find the source of the desense radiation? Is there some way
that unshielded control lines, audio lines, and power lines can carry RF
to the receiver?

I have looked at the output of the repeater TX with a spectrum analyzer
[tnx Tom N4ZPT] and it is clean. 

While I don't think the following is significant, for completeness I
note that the repeater RX and TX both appear to be several kilohertz low
in frequency. However, I do not have a frequency counter, and I am only
checking the frequencies by the use of an HT and mobile, both modern
transceivers by Yaesu. 

Your thoughts, suggestions, and sympathy will be appreciated.


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