At 1/8/2009 07:02, you wrote:
>Try this site. It's not perfect, but will give you an idea. I find cased
>where it says I'm well within range and I can't get the channels and some
>where it says I shouldn't and do.
>Keep in mind than a lot of stations have gone from VHF to UHF in the

...and after the analog shutdown many of the UHF TXs will backfill into the 
VHF HB channels.  I know some people around here are buying UHF-only 
antennas, thinking they have DTV in this area all figured out.  They're in 
for an unpleasant surprise come Feb. 17 when chs. 7, 9, 11 & 13 all move 
back to those actual channels from their current, temporary UHF DTV 

Bob NO6B

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