> "n2mci" <n2...@...> wrote: 
> Norm, I wrote a little prg./ utility to change the freq. data
> in the KPG59D programming software.. How it works is, you program
> a freq. in the 40.xxx-43.yyy mhz range.. Save the file, exit 
> KPG59D and then run that file through my program KWLB2HAM prg.
> Start KPG59D again and read the file back in and you'll have 
> 6M freq's in there..
> It supports 10M's too.. It converts any freq. in the 30.xxx mhz
> range to 29.xxx mhz and 40.xxx - 43.yyy mhz to 50.xxx - 53.yyy mhz,
> leaving everything else alone..
> The program only supports KPG59D software for the TK-6110 mobile
> and TK-190 HT.. With careful tuning, Skipp told me he has gotten
> the TK-6110-2 to be able to work both 10M & 6M at the same time.
> I don't know about the the TK-190-2 going to 6M, but I know of one
> TK-190-1 on 10M with very little effert..   

The Kenwood TK-190 portable does go into the ham bands... the 
only major fly in the soup is the tk-190 radio wants to be 
programmed and operate within a relatively narrow range/band 
of frequencies (say up to a few MHz max frequency separation 
between high and low end channels, else it protests.  You can 
jam the frequencies into the radio and it works.. but I suspect 
the receive sens will at one point suffer (drop off or go away) 
if you try to spread the range out wider than the radio really 
likes to go. 

Like the Midland low-band radios... the Kenwood low-band radios 
work very well... are easy 6 and 10 meter program, plug and play 
radios. It's just the Kenwood stuff is a current radio product 
with the current radio product price tag. 

And as always... thank you Pete for your wonderful programming 
conversion software. 


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