._,___ Well I will have to admit I have got a New ant Mobile and Base
really did not feel like Talking to anyone but Just Kerchunked   a
Distant Repeater to see if I was getting into it, I also think this was
done more because a Lot of Hams including Myself actually had a Hard
time understand the Fast CW Id . 
I think it is done less now that  We will hear a Voice Id On  a lot of
Repeaters including My 224.740 ,  But CW Voice on My  444.750 at about 7
WPM A min some of the  Old CW Hams  laugh and ask why is it so Slow and
I say  because I know what its lol 
PS Most have at least done it once you know who you are  ,  and where in
the Heck did this Word KERCHUNK Originate from We all know what it means

Happy Repeater Building 

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