At 04:59 PM 03/23/09, you wrote:
>I am seeking advise ...but if I can be pointed to the right 
>direction, I will be most appreciative.
>This summer, I plan to take down my Cellwave Station Master 
>(repeater antenna) for service, maintenance or painting.
>Over the years, moss and algae set in and the bright white 
>fiberglass finish is beginning to disappear.  I seek advise on the following:
>1. What cleaning agent would be best to take down foreign objects in 
>the antenna
>2. What paint if any...or preparation therof before application is 
>neglegible in the optimum performance of this antenna.  This antenna 
>has served us well over the years.
>3. Other recommendation.

As to cleaning moss and algae, I'd start with common
bleach.  If it isn't strong enough, use some swimming
pool chlorine diluted.
If my memory is holding up, pool chlorine is about 20
to 25 times stronger than bleach.

As to painting, the two major things to remember are:
1) color pigments are usually metallic.  Avoid them.
2) the coating is fiberglass, and you get one chance, so don't
screw up.  If necessary, buy a quart of cheap fiberglass and coat a
piece of 2" PVC pipe just for the practice and self-training.

These two may be of interest:

Fiberglass Antenna Painting Procedure by Celwave Corp.

Some notes on fiberglass antenna painting

When you put the antenna back up, if it's side mounted you may
want to consider adding a sidearm.


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