At 11:26 PM 04/08/09, you wrote:
>On Mon, 06 Apr 2009 13:17:03 -0500, you wrote:
> >yes, remember the claims of 'extended dynamic range' ??
> >
> >now, producers and 'artists' want every bit to be a '1'
> >
> >look at a current 'hit' with Adobe Audition
> >
> >it has all the 'dynamic range' of a concrete block
> >
> >Gary
>Everything has been compandored/levelized to death. Current pop
>music is just unlistenable. I'll stick to my vinyl records and hollow-state
>audio gear.

Some thoughts that are even more slightly off topic...

"1000 recordings to hear before you die" <>

And my stereo is also hollow-state....  mostly Heathkit but with new 
filter caps.

 > >yes, remember the claims of 'extended dynamic range' ??
I remember looking at the output of an early high-end CD
player (Sony? I forget) on a scope.
It had tremendous dynamic range.  Much better then vinyl or
even 7.5ips magnetic tape.  Totally wasted with todays music.

The only thing I could find that would max it out (i.e. run the
output from rail-to-rail) was a Telarc 1979 CD of the 1812
Overture featuring REAL cannon.  The CD case insert said
that the producers were able to track down some of the
original type of cannon that would have been used then.
And it specifically warned that the recording could damage
The Deutsche Gramophone recording of the same piece is
almost as good - both bottomed out my subwoofers.

Around the 4th of July some years PBS shows the old
WGBH tape of the 1990 (or so) Boston Pops 4th of July
show. The later years have the show at night but this is
an late afternoon / early evening show and at the right
point you can see John Williams picking up a handheld
radio that he had on his music stand and cuing the
Massachusetts National Guard that was sitting on the far
side of the Charles river with multiple 155mm howitzers
firing blanks.   Not quite the same, but very impressive.

They still do it - some years it's the Guard, other years it's
the Army, other years it's appropriate era cannon.

You can hear the cannons in this video of the last few
minutes of the 2006 performance:
Unfortunately you can't see much.

Eleven civil war cannons (about a minute and a half)

The Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force Eastern
Army Band and 1st Artillery Unit use 105mm cannons:
(about 4 min)
(watch the flagmen giving cues in the second round
of shots)

BTW, how many folks know that the 1812 Overture (full
title: Festival Overture "The Year 1812" in E flat major,
Opus 49) is about France invading Russia during the
Napoleonic Wars?  Despite being a staple at July 4th
events it has nothing to do with any US / UK battle.

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