On Tue, 7 Jul 2009, kerinvale wrote:
> Hi guys .Can anyone suggest ways to reduce ctcss dropout when someone 
> is talking loud on a repeater .The repeater radios are maxon pm150 
> (sm4450sc) and I have tuned them using 600hz of ctcss and a 1khz tone 
> at 3khz modulation to make sure it doesn't happen ,but I have one user 
> that talks louder than the other users and it seems to breakup all the 
> time for them where other users seem to have no problems.Could I make 
> sure their ctcss from their maxon pm160 is around 600hz or 700hz or 
> could the problem  be more tied up with the receiving repeater radio   

Your user is over-deviating. Reduce the deviation in his radio, or tell 
him not to yell into the mic. The dropout is because his signal is 
passing outside of the receiver's bandpass. 

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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