EL is just another control link method - in his case land line.

That said, EL should be smart enough to not transmit on active 
frequencies. That's a shortcoming of EL or the interfacing, not 
necessarily the operator.

Joe M.

David Jordan wrote:
> Here in Arlington County, VA OEM/RACES we have two Internet Remote 
> Amateur Radio (IRAR) Stations build around the Kenwood TS2K w/ 80-6M and 
> 2m-70cm antennas.
> Our RACES volunteers check-in to the weekly exercise nets using the IRAR 
> stations when they are traveling for business or just for fun. One of 
> the stations has antennas mounted on the roof of the court house about 
> 425ft above sea level. That station on VHF-UHF can hit most repeaters 
> 50-60 miles away; lots of fun.
> Riley Hollingsworth has toured the stations as have other FCC officials 
> and there is no regulation issue involved with operations of this type. 
> It is not a problem!
> Where there is a problem is when folks attempt to use Echo Link for HF.  
> The end user has no control over the freq. and the minute the Echo Link 
> connection is made it announces itself over the HF station. Our HF net 
> on 40m had a problem with a ham up in Erie, PA who thought it was cool 
> to have Echo Link on his HF radio but the damn announcements would come 
> in over top on-going conversations creating a lot of confusion. That was 
> not a good use the Internet and it created some ill will. I think the 
> folks at Echo Link have since create an application that offers better 
> controls that eliminate unwanted interference. Not sure about that part 
> of it.
> 73,
> Dave
> Wa3gin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
> [mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of 
> *larryjspamme...@teleport.com
> *Sent:* Friday, September 04, 2009 12:43 PM
> *To:* Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* [Repeater-Builder] HF "Remote Bases" - Illegal?
>  From the tenmet...@yahoogroups mailing list (mainly a group of people 
> who participate in the 10-10 Club awards programs.)
> There's a discussion on the list about how HF "Remote Base" stations are 
> most likely not legal.

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