As much good as the ARRL does in representing amateur radio and creating some 
fine publications, they have certainly been a disappointment when it comes to 
VHF/UHF FM, repeaters, and digital voice.

For example, the guys on the 900 list had some band plan questions and 
contacted the ARRL "World Above 50 MHz" guy.  Well, he apparently lives in a 
very SMALL world - one where they can't even spell the word "repeater".

As another example, the ARRL created a digital voice working group.  Here is a 
quote from one of their reports:

"...We are finding that this working group is generally ahead of similar 
efforts elsewhere. We shall maintain and add to our Web page as events dictate. ...
Respectfully submitted, 
ARRL Digital Voice Working Group: 
1-2-2002 "

Follow that link and look at the dates of the reports on that web page.  All of 
them are six to nine years old.

Which makes my original point.  That's leadership?

Is suppose that if you have a line of 100 sheep trudging along, the 99th sheep 
can call himself a "leader".  After all, there's still someone following him.

"...FIXED: Answer? If it isn't HF it gets NO attention in Newington.
It was right around 1990 that they finally dumped the tube-type 2M AM lunchbox 
construction article out of the handbook. "

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