FWIW the BF981 is a dual-gate MOSFET, not a GaAsFET. I assume Aria switched to a GaAsFET for the current-production unit?

Bob NO6B

I bought several of these when they were first on the market.

When this unit was first in production from Gil, he made it available like this: Under 200 MHz was Bi Polar, over was GaAs FET - HOWEVER, you could custom order under 200 MHz the GaAs option.

The Bi Polar device was MRF-901 Motorola.

I don't know what the FET was... I only ever owned one GLB Preselector/Preamp above 200 MHz (it was custom built for 222 MHz) and it had a MRF-901 in it -- go figure.

GLB stand for Gilbert L. Boelke W2EUP inventor of the Hybrid Ring Duplexer - a design sold to Sinclair Radio Labs in Tonawonda NY

Kevin Custer

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