Do you have two FM stations in your area that are separated by 600 kc.?  That 
will definitely do exactly what you describe.  We had it on our repeater.

I caught in one of your posts that your transmitter needs to be on for the 
problem to appear, so that's intermod causing your interference, not just a 
random carrier coming from a router or whatever device.

The problem here was caused by an FM station on 89.9 about a mile away, and 
another one on 89.3 roughly six miles away, plus our transmitter on 147.06.  
A+B-C=D 147.06 + 89.9 - 89.3 = 147.66.  The thing to watch for with FM 
broadcast intermod is the wide bandwidth of the intermod product.  There was no 
interference until BOTH stations were quiet -- no modulation.  Obviously, the 
instances of both being quiet simultaneously are quite random in length and 
occurrence, depending on the program material of each.  

I tracked the location of the mixing with the aid of a spectrum analyzer, which 
turned out to be safety cables threaded through the turnbuckles.

Laryn K8TVZ

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