Do you get the same crackling noise with the duplexer attached to a 
dummy load? a ground mounted antenna with different feedline?


At 06:12 PM 1/16/2010, you wrote:
>I know its been a long time since I first posed the question on what 
>might be causing the noise we were experiencing after being hit by 
>lightening. After many trips to the Technical shop for testing, we 
>replaced the repeater ( was a vertex 5000, now a Icom ur2000) and 
>are in process of checking out controllers. The duplexers were my 
>big worry. And yes, it would seem that concern wasn't unfounded. We 
>started experiencing a degradation on the receive side of the 
>repeater and then, a leakage from the cans. We had the duplexers 
>checked out with two different service monitors and found nothing! 
>The technician who works on duplexers took ours apart and found only 
>a little bit of carbon, but that was it. they checked out ok. We put 
>them back into service and the  noise was there making 
>communications impossible.
>We are now going to replace them with a 6 configuration instead of 
>the four we have been using.
>My question to the list is, besides the noise factor and crackling 
>noise, is there any other methode of discovering if the can's are bad or not?
>Yes, I did and have been losing sleep over this one.
>I also wish to thank Kevin and  the group for all their feedback on 
>my question I put in last summer. You helped more than you know.
>Rich Ranta K8JX
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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