On some bands a simplex repeater can be used .it records your voice and then
replays it back on air from a high point .Repeaters on uhf CB are allowed
but linking between them isn't aloud .On commercial  frequencies linking of
the repeaters is allowed as long as they are owned by the same owner.On
27mhz CB I have heard of repeaters but haven't come across one .A owner of
27mhz can have what is called a remote base which is a uhf CB or 27mhz radio
on a hill and is controlled remotely by cable or via radio link from another
site .On amateur they can do a lot more with their gear and they are
starting to have 29mhz  fm repeaters installed around the country .Another
type of communication that has been turning up in the background is 27meg fm
which as far as I know isn't allowed yet by acma .

Thank You ,Ian Wells
Kerinvale Comaudio,
361 Camboon road, Biloela.4715
Ph 0749922449 Mb 0409159932 
Hm 0749922574 Fx 0749922767
-------Original Message-------
From: STeve Andre'
Date: 12/02/2010 1:45:28 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Just a Crazy Thought
On Thursday 11 February 2010 21:29:25 i recycle computers wrote:
> I have heard numorous urban legends of 27 MHz CB repeaters being built.
> has anyone ever come across such a thing. if not does anyone think it is
> even possible from a technical standpoint?
> the limitations are AM mode, and using any of the 40 CB channels with 4
> watts PEP AM or 12 Watts PEP SSB ie: using completely un modified type
> certified CB gear.
> Legally a repeater is illegal on CB, but i just want to do an excersize in
> thought as to what problems someone may run into with such a project, etc.
> i have seen this questioned asked numorous times through the years and
> heard rumors of it actually being done.
> no one though has actually went deep into the technical aspects of such a
> project or could point me out to the people who are operating or operated
> such a setup.
> Thanks,
> Rev. Robert P. Chrysafis
Duplexers would be interesting to get. I can imagine the look on some
sales reps face, when asked about pricing for an 11m unit.

But you could certainly do a split site, in on channel 1 and out on channel
40 (or whatever actual frequency would be the farthest). Think of 10m
repeaters and you've got most of the idea, though interference on 11m
might be worse. Or has 11m usage dropped a lot because of cell phones?

Me, I've never heard of one in operation.

--STeve Andre'
wb8wsf en82



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