Hello everyone,
I hope you are well and enjoying every bit of your life.
Recently, I have watched the Libreplanet talk by Mr. Gingerich, "A
fully-free cell phone experience, no baseband required"
And I have found it very interesting. Because as you know it very well,
there are some issues[1] with cellphones, right?
On the other hand, we use a free device, install a free system on top
of it and use a free SIP client; And after getting a SIP account from a
SIP service provider,
(1) We can call/receive call from any person who is using the public
telephony network,
(2) have an encrypted (SRTP/ZRTP) audio conversation if the other
person is taking the same measure and
(3) send and receive text message to not only the person who is using
the SIP client (maybe using some kind of encryption on SIP client, as
far as I know text messages are not encrypted for SIP, or, use
XMPP+OTR/OMEMO) but also to the person who is using the public
telephony network.
And it is true that we have to be connected to the internet all the
My question is what are your thoughts on using devices like GTA04, Neo
Free Runner, Nokia N900, (and hopefully) Neo900/DragonBox Pyra and a
GNU+Linux distro (eg. Debian/Parabola)? And what might be the issues
that we need to resolve?
[1]: https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/problem-mobile-phones
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