Date: 2005-01-22T20:32:54
   Editor: BrettPorter
   Wiki: ASF Repository Project Wiki
   Page: BrettPorter

   no comment

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My thoughts on the road map...
== Repository Policies ==

=== MD5 format ===

Different tools on different platforms write an md5 file in different formats.
The standard agreed for the ASF repository is:
d1dcb0fbee884bb855bb327b8190af36 commons-collections-3.1.jar

This is equivalent to the output of GNU md5sum, without the "*" to indicate a 
binary file. All files are to be treated as binary.

=== Permissions ===

All directories should be group writeable in the repository, however no files 
should be group writable. This means that files can be removed but not changed 
without an explicit override.

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