
I've read the code for the RedirectingFormPlugin and I think that in our 
situation, one solution would be to write our own RedirectingFormPlugin-like 
plugin, adapted to what we want.

Although I think it'd be even better if RedirectingFormPlugin (optionally) was 
able to redirect to an intermediary page (e.g., 
"/login_validation?came_from=...") which will redirect to the "came_from" URL 
if login succeeded or the login page otherwise. I can write a patch if it 
sounds sensible.

And the third solution that comes to my mind would be to write a repoze.who 
identifier that will insert a variable in the environ if the user comes from 
the login handler (e.g., with the key "just_logged_in", equal to True if login 
succeeded or False otherwise) -- in fact it doesn't _has_ to be a repoze.who 
identifier. Then, when the app finds this variable and it's False, I will 
redirect to the login page (possibly with a parameter in the query string, 
like failed_login=1).

Is there a fourth solution better than the three ones above? If not, what's 
the best of the three?

Thanks in advance.


On Tuesday December 16, 2008 00:06:01 Jorge Vargas wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on upgrading the turbogears quickstart tutorials to
> provide a nicer integration with repoze.who/repoze.what
> One feature we are missing is the display a "Login Failed" message, I
> was discussing this over with Gustavo and we didn't came up with a
> simple answer so far.
> Turbogears quickstart is using RedirectingFormPlugin and we have our
> build in flash which stores things on the Session, so ideally we
> should be calling tg.flash from inside the code that says "if login
> failed go back to /login". how can we accomplish this?
> Bonus points if we could allow a customization of the error message
> with a callback or parameter.
> As a side question, which will be the advantages/disadvantages of
> dropping the redirecting form, and use a simple form plugin? keep in
> mind the TG quickstart is aimed at two sets of people.
> - newbies that want to try out the framework
> - experienced developers that want to start a new application with
> sane defaults.
> Therefore the solution we apply here not only has to be easy but
> production ready. If using a FormPlugin complicates things a little
> but provides more flexibility I'm willing to do that sacrifice.
> Anyway thanks for your help.
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Gustavo Narea <http://gustavonarea.net/>.

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