2009/3/26 Reed O'Brien <r...@reedobrien.com>:
> I still think you need to use a second form specific header/cookie. So you
> can be sure that the form being submitted isn't stale. I don't think it wise
> to use an already existing session; as an instance of a form can be
> submitted repeatedly.

That's policy though; google search for instance, does not have such a policy.

> If it is tied to a specific header/cookie at form generation time then only
> the id==token is valid for that particular submission. If there is a field
> validation error in the form (empty required field e.g.) then the form is
> re-rendered to the agent with a new header/cookie == form token.

Right you could have a ticket system, but is it really necessary for
the general site? Perhaps for online banking or airline ticket

> Perhaps we are saying the same thing and I am being obtuse. But *only*
> validating that an agent is participating in a valid session doesn't prevent
> a malicious JS from submitting a form on that valid sessions behalf.

No, but you *never* want mailicious JS served up from your own domain.
That's a serious vulnerability that can easily expose all your users
credentials. So that scenario should not be considered.

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