repoze.bfg 1.0b1 is in the bfg "current" index 
(  The docs rendering at has been updated.

Here's the change log:

1.0b1 (2009-07-02)


- Allow a Paste config file (``configure_zcml``) value or an
   environment variable (``BFG_CONFIGURE_ZCML``) to name a ZCML file
   (optionally package-relative) that will be used to bootstrap the
   application.  Previously, the integrator could not influence which
   ZCML file was used to do the boostrapping (only the original
   application developer could do so).

- Make it possible to pass strings in the form
   "package_name:relative/path" to APIs like ``render_template``,
   ``render_template_to_response``, and ``get_template``.  Sometimes
   the package in which a caller lives is a direct namespace package,
   so the module which is returned is semi-useless for navigating from.
   In this way, the caller can control the horizontal and vertical of
   where things get looked up from.


- Added a "Resources" chapter to the narrative documentation which
   explains how to override resources within one package from another

- Added an "Extending" chapter to the narrative documentation which
   explains how to extend or modify an existing BFG application using
   another Python package and ZCML.

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