On 4/21/10 10:51 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
> Chris McDonough wrote:
>>> Monkeypatchable or should I avoid trying to do that...
>> The trunk now uses "venusian" instead of hardcoded decorator scanning.
>> See the repoze.bfg.view.bfg_view class for an example decorator that
>> registers a callback that will be called at config.scan() time. See
>> http://docs.repoze.org/venusian for the details.
> Cool, what index should I use to get the right set of package versions
> to work with trunk?


This is the permanent URL for the current "development" index.

>> Not sure about final release. I think we'll want to add some explicit
>> i18n support before the first beta, but we can probably roll an alpha
>> any time.
> But the above will definitely be in 1.3, right?

The Venusian scanner, yeah.

- C
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