New submission from laurance <>:


I changed my group's permission to a @property decorated method. This way I can
compute complex permission settings.
the eager load introduced in rc4 (?) of repoze.what.plugins.sql postulates that
permissions is a mapped attribute.

I submit this patch for approval as it is very basic (to solve, not to diagnose 
:) )

files: adapters.patch
messages: 440
nosy: nlaurance
priority: urgent
status: unread
title: repoze.what.plugins.sql bug with group permissions
topic: repoze.what

Repoze Bugs <>
--- /home/nlaurance/shabti/lib/python2.6/site-packages/repoze.what.plugins.sql-1.0rc4-py2.6.egg/repoze/what/plugins/sql/	2010-01-14 15:46:22.000000000 +0100
+++ /home/nlaurance/tg21py265/lib/python2.6/site-packages/repoze.what.plugins.sql-1.0rc4-py2.6.egg/repoze/what/plugins/sql/	2010-08-05 20:58:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -194,7 +194,12 @@
         # "field" usually equals to {tg_package}.model.User.user_name
         # or {tg_package}.model.Group.group_name
         field = getattr(self.children_class, self.translations['item_name'])
-        query = self.dbsession.query(self.children_class).options(eagerload(self.translations['sections']))
+        from sqlalchemy.exc import InvalidRequestError
+        try:
+            query = self.dbsession.query(self.children_class).options(eagerload(self.translations['sections']))
+        except InvalidRequestError: # permissions might be a decorated method
+            query = self.dbsession.query(self.children_class)
             item_as_row = query.filter(field==item_name).one()
         except NoResultFound:
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