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On Sat, 2010-08-21 at 14:46 +0200, KLEIN Stéphane wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder what is the good practice to test my model layer based on 
> sqlalchemy in repoze.bfg framework.
> In Pylons project, ``development.ini`` is the configuration used in 
> development mode.
> ``test.ini`` is the configuration used in test mode (when I launch 
> ``nosetests``).
> So, ``development.db`` is used in dev mode and ``test.db`` is used in 
> test mode.
> In my ``repoze.bfg`` project, I've only ``my_project_name.ini`` config file.
> This is my ```` file :
> This is the beginning of ```` file :
> How can I get SQLAlchemy ``session`` object connected on ``test.db`` in 
> my ```` file ?
> I would like execute my test with nose (or better solution if exist).
> What is the good method ? The good pattern in repoze.bfg context ?
> Thanks for your help,
> Stephane

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