On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Roland Mainz <roland.mainz at nrubsig.org> 
> Mike Gerdts wrote:
> [CC:'ing Michelle Olson <michelle.olson at sun.com> as co-lead of the
> (yet-to-be-announched) manpage-subsystem-rewrite project]
>> I'm looking for a sponsor for the following:

I'll hold off on a sponsor for this as Roland and I sync up.

> Groan...
> ... for the log: I am currently _rewriting_ the manpage subsystem from
> scratch (the frontend already exists as
> http://svn.genunix.org/repos/on/branches/ksh93/gisburn/scripts/shman.ksh
> ; I'm now waiting for the "ksh93-integration update1" to land before
> doing the remaining work). IMO it may be nice to syncronize the work a
> bit...

I just had a putback[1] for new functionality into man that makes
MANPATH unnecessary in most conditions.  I wish that we would have
known about each others efforts or ambitions last December when I did
most of the work on this.

1. http://opensolaris.org/os/community/on/flag-days/pages/2008051501/

> Some notes:
> - IMO it may be nice to have something like /etc/man/mandirs which keeps
> track of directories which contain man directories and a tool ("manadm"
> ?) which adds/removes entries to that list and invokes the crawling
> process for all subdirs listed there.

I was intending for that to be SMF properties, which could just as
easily be modified by manadm.  In an IPS world that is a subject of
active discussion - but could turn into properties on the

2. http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/pkg-discuss/2008-May/003503.html

Assuming that things move forward with your re-write of all things
man, it may make sense to look at the entire collection of bugs
against the man subsystem.  I know that as I have dabbled in this area
I have had several people mention their long-time pet peeves.  Mine
first one was that I always had to do too much shell magic in .profile
to get a working MANPATH.  I think you can guess what the second was.

I'm moving this thread over to on-discuss to be sure that the right
people are in on the discussion.

Mike Gerdts

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