lianep at writes:
> Glynn Foster writes:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 17:20 -0800, Marilyn Shoemaker wrote:
> > > The SFW consolidation expects to begin regular source tarball releases
> > > on within the next week.
> > > 
> > > We will accept bug fixes from the community and will follow the ON model
> > > for dealing with those fixes.
> > 
> > Do bug fixes include module version upgrades?
> Yes.  But, with all the caveats of the existing SFW modules -- if there's
> other stuff in Solaris dependent on the module you're updating (there
> usually is), you're responsible for testing all of the new combinations
> and getting buy-in from the teams who use the module in SFW.  So, it
> doesn't magically get any more fun to update the modules/components.
> I suggest we table this discussion until the sfwnv community opens in 
> concert with the first source drop.

Argh.  Project, not community.  I'm trying to suggest we move this 
discussion to the project's mailing list once it's open.

Liane Praza, Solaris Kernel Development
liane.praza at -

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