Matty wrote:
> On Dec 6, 2007 3:58 PM, Mike Shapiro <mws at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 03:23:47PM +0800, lingjun wang (Simon) wrote:
>>> Hi sponsor,
>>> Now we are responsible for porting GPL-licensed smartmontools to sfw.
>>> Here is its brief introduction:
>>> smartmontools contains utilities that control and monitor storage
>>> devices using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology
>>> (S.M.A.R.T.) system build into ATA and SCSI Hard Drives. This is used
>>> to check the reliability of the hard drive and to predict drive
>>> failures. smartmontools Version 5.x is designed to comply to the
>>> ATA/ATAPI-5 specification (Revision 1). Future releases of
>>> smartmontools (Versions 6.x and 7.x) will comply with the ATA/ATAPI-6
>>> and ATA/ATAPI-7 specifications.
>>> This package is meant to be an up-to-date replacement for the
>>> ucsc-smartsuite and smartsuite packages, and is derived from that
>>> code.
>>> Could you help us recommend a sponsor for this project?
>>> Thanks
>>> - Simon
>> I'd like to see this project discussed in some detail in the fault
>> management community (fm-discuss at  There is a lot
>> of useful content in the smartmon tools, but on the reporting side
>> we have already a significant and unique architecture (FMA) for
>> analyzing error telemetry and pushing it into the management stack,
>> and I want to understand clearly how the smartmon stuff will be
>> integrated in a way that doesn't disrupt that.  In particular, FMA
>> already has support for SMART data monitoring and uses that to
>> report disk failures, so we need to be sure adding the smartmon
>> sfw tools doesn't cause conflicting information through another path.
> One feature that smartmontools provides that isn't available with FMA
> is ability to query SMART attributes on a disk. Smartmontools provides
> the smartctl utility to perform this operation, and I think that alone
> warrants it's inclusion in opensolaris.

There's nothing preventing us from integrating SMART monitoring features 
into FMA. It's simply a matter of expanding the existing libtopo disk 
enumerator with a SMART backend (provider) to export the information we 
want to see.  In this way, the telemetry could be used by FMA DEs (like 
the disk DE or ZFS) for more extensive fault analysis, the sensor 
project ( or by the smartmon 

In any case, I'm sure you will find some willing sponsors in the fault 
management community to help out.


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