On Mar 23, 2007, at 11:15 AM, Gary Bauer wrote:


I have been trying to set-up Apache as the web server for resin. I have tried manually and by using the setup.exe program, but cannot get it to work.

I try to launch Apache, it fails to start-up. Looking at the Event Viewer, I see the error message "Syntax error on line 115 of C:/ tech/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/resin-3.0.14/win32/ apache-2.0/mod_caucho.dll into server: The specified module could not be found."

You need to get Resin 3.0.23 and use the apache-2.2 mod_caucho. The DLLs for Apache 2.0 and 2.2 are not compatible.

-- Scott

But the file definitely exists. Could it be that for some reason it isn't recognised as a valid module?

This may be a question for the Apache community, but just in case there is a known issue with this version of mod_caucho.dll, I thought I'd write here.

Details are:
    Resin 3.0.14
    Apache 2.2.4 on Windows XP.
mod_caucho.dll is timestamped (last modified) 31 August 2006, 09:17:10
    Entries from httpd.conf (all paths correct):
LoadModule caucho_module "C:/resin-3.0.14/win32/apache-2.0/ mod_caucho.dll"
AddModule mod_caucho.c
<IfModule mod_caucho.c>
  ResinConfigServer localhost 6802
  CauchoStatus yes

Any ideas?

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