> Date: Fri, May 25, 2007 at 07:32:13PM +0200
> Subject: [Resin-interest] Resin cluster performance drops with number of nodes
> Hallo,
> I'm evaluating the resin-cluster capabilities. My problem is
> that with the current setup using just one node performes
> much better than having two nodes running.
> The setup is:
> Two apache server as frontend, I use the mod_caucho
> module as load-balancer, two resin server. One Apache
> and one resin instance is running on one physical server.
> I tested the performance with Jmeter. Throughput with one
> resin node running is about the double of the throughput
> when I use both resin nodes (same load-Jmeter setup / 80 Users).
> I was expecting an increased throughput having 2 nodes running.
> Could that be a configuration issue? What are common
> reasons for that behavior? Any ideas?

I have added a bug entry here:

-- Sam

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