On Sep 10, 2007, at 8:43 AM, Sam wrote:

>> Date: Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 12:52:23PM -0500
>> Subject: Re: [Resin-interest] Resin and transactions (disable  
>> autocommit)
>> ...
>> Long story short.... I'm trying to run Jasper report server on Resin
>> instead of Tomcat.  It seems to work OK except for when it comes to
>> large objects at which point the PostgreSQL driver throws an  
>> exception
>> that all LO operations must be performed inside a transaction...
>> Tomcat has an option to turn off auto-commits at the resource
>> definition.  Does Resin have anything along these lines?
> Added a bug report:
> http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=2001

Except that doesn't really make any sense.

"disabling" auto-commit really means starting a transaction.  But if  
your code isn't really handling the transactions itself, then it will  
be missing the commit()/rollback().

-- Scott

> -- Sam
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