On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 06:18:50AM -0500, Jean-Francois Lamy wrote:
> I see several points in version 3.0.25 regarding isapi_srun.dll
> Can anyone tell me if isapi_srun.dll now runs on 64 bit windows systems, and
> if so, what the magic required is ?
> I've had over half a dozen personal queries for this since posting a note
> over a year ago, and yes, there is a bug open on this (or was).

We have found that the 32-bit DLL works on 64-bit systems as well,
but we are planning to release a 64-bit compiled version in the
future.  Some of people have found it necessary to make a change
to the registry to make sure this DLL is compatible:  You might
need to set the key W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 to "1".

Please let me know if this does the trick for you and we can add it to
the documentation, at least until we can create a 64-bit native DLL.



Emil Ong
Chief Evangelist
Caucho Technology, Inc.
Tel. (858) 456-0300

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