I am trying to make the Visual Java Server faces included in Netbeans 6.x work with resin. Even when I just deploy a default Web Application I get this error message from Resin:

500 Servlet Exception

/META-INF/faces-config.xml:13: <el-resolver> is an unexpected tag (parent
<application> starts at 11).

11:     <application>
12: <el- resolver>com.sun.webui.jsf.faces.DataProviderELResolver</el-resolver> 13: <el-resolver>com.sun.webui.jsf.faces.ThemeELResolver</el- resolver>
14:     </application>
15:     <component>

 Check for duplicate and out-of-order tags.
<application> syntax: (@id? & <action-listener>? & <default-render-kit- id>? & <message-bundle>? & <navigation-handler>? & <view-handler>? & <state- manager>? & <el-resolver>? & <property-resolver>? & <variable-resolver>? & <locale-config>?
& <resource-bundle>* & <application-extension>*)
<el-resolver> is listed under applications but i guess Resin is failing because there are two of them?

Andreas Fischer

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