Mo DeJong wrote:
>> The Pligg verbosity I mentioned in the last
>> few snapshots its still present, which is a
>> shame as we can't go live with such enourmous
>> logfiles being generated. Is there some way I
>> can turn it off?
> Hello Stargazer
> It turns out this problem was caused by Pligg's
> use of error_log() to write to a file in the cache
> directory. I fixed the problem and closed the bug
> report, but the fix won't be available until the
> next snapshot release. What you could do until then
> is change the Pligg code in ez_sql_core.php on line
> 348. You can replace the error_log() call with
> a call to file_put_contents() with the append option.
> Like so:
> - error_log ( serialize($result_cache), 3,
> $cache_file);
> + file_put_contents( $cache_file,
> serialize($result_cache), FILE_APPEND);
> I hope that helps
It did, fixed as you described, thanks!
> Mo
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