Thanks.. Using the embedded for works well

On 5/27/08, Scott Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 21, 2008, at 2:32 PM, Sandeep Ghael wrote:
>> Has anyone else had issues using regex matching in the resin-web.xml
>> file for url forwarding?  I can't profess to be a regex expert, but
>> I'm following the regex examples I'm finding online but can't get my
>> logic to take.
>> What I am trying to do is make the forward generic enough so that if
>> someone mis-capitalizes anything they still go to the right page.  I
>> am using resin 3.1.3 pro on RHEL.
>> Here is what I am trying:
>>         <forward regexp="^/something/i" target="/index.php?
>> contents=something"/>
>> the regex "/i" pattern modifier for case insensitivity fails to do
>> anything.  Isn't that standard regex?
> It's a standard flag, but requires the regexp syntax to be "/.../"
> instead of the raw regexp.
> You might try "(?i:...)".  That's an embedded form of the case
> insensitive match.
> -- Scott
>> If I do this:
>>         <forward regexp="^/something/" target="/index.php?
>> contents=something"/>
>> This forward rule works for "    <- case
>> sensitive, ending slash meaningful.
>> Any suggestions?  The online documentation didn't provide fruitful
>> on this front.
>> -s
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