On Jun 17, 2008, at 12:38 PM, Sandeep Ghael wrote:

> HI List,
> I have began to notice some strangeness when deploying my war files  
> to my production environment.
> This is my scenario:
> I have a 2 server clustered setup.  Resin 3.1.3 pro.  Previously, my  
> deployments for new versions was simply push out the new war file  
> and wait for the
> watchdog to notice the file change.  Then resin would expand the  
> file and the server would typically restart in 10 seconds or less.
> Lately, I have been plagued with extremely long re-start times.  And  
> I mean reallllly long.  On my last deployment, resin took roughly 20  
> mintues to start!
> The output shows that resin appears to hang during the "expanding  
> war file" stage (or atleast that the message that appears before it  
> hangs).  Eventually, after a long enough wait, the process gets past  
> that step and things expand and deploy properly.

Try looking in the ${resin.root}/admin directory for the logging.  The  
3.1.3 release was logging too much information, which would cause slow  
startup times as the database was validated on startup.

-- Scott

> In one instance, when this occurred, I decided not to wait for the  
> on the fly restart.  So i killed the java /resin process and started  
> the process from scratch.  The restart was still very slow.
> I know I'm not giving a lot of info here, but I'm not even sure  
> where to begin tracking this down.  Anyone seen anything like this,  
> or got any advice how to track this down?
> regards,
> Sandeep
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