On Aug 12, 2008, at 4:35 PM, Rob Lockstone wrote:

> Cool! Do you mean the snapshot? Because I have 3.1.6 Pro and it
> doesn't allow that.

3.1.6 should.  Can you check with -verbose?

-- Scott

> Rob
>> -- Scott
>>> As a developer, I like to be able run our code locally for testing/
>>> debugging. But we have some pretty big caches that take a little  
>>> time
>>> to load up during initialization, and often are not needed when  
>>> doing
>>> local testing. So I put in some code that looks for a property and
>>> disables the caching if this property is set. Prior to Resin 3.1, I
>>> was able to pass this property in when I started up resin from the
>>> command line. To get the same behavior with Resin 3.1, I've  
>>> created a
>>> copy of my resin.conf file named nocache.conf that has this extra
>>> property in it and I pass -conf conf/nocache.conf into the 3.1 httpd
>>> script.
>>> Since I don't often update my resin.conf, I can live with this,  
>>> but I
>>> was wondering if there's an easier way to accomplish what I'm doing
>>> short of keeping two, nearly identical, versions of my resin.conf
>>> around?
>>> Rob
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