On Sep 3, 2008, at 10:46 AM, Rob Lockstone wrote:

> This page <http://caucho.com/download/> has the 3.2 snapshot date one
> week before the official 3.2.0 date. Should the snapshot even be
> listed? Same for the 3.1 snapshot, except the snapshot is almost a
> month older than the 3.1.7 release. Well, I guess if someone wanted to
> diff the code to see what changed?

It's just easier to manage that way, even though it's not ideal.  That  
happens after every release.

As it happens, there's a new 3.2.1 snapshot today.

> And, if you know it, what's the release schedule for 3.2.1 looking  
> like?

Quite a bit slower than we'd like.  Normally we like 8 week releases,  
but that will probably be extended by about 4 weeks.

The major things we're looking at for 3.2.1 are:

   OSGi/Ivy integration
   Hessian 2.0 finalized (or at least sending our final draft to IETF  
for comments)
   Lots more bug fixes for Quercus and Resin
   Servlet, JSTL, JSP, JSF spec compliance
   Servlet 3.0, particularly the comet-related aspects
   clustering/JMS integration for BAM (The most complicated question  
is dealing with a singleton service in a clustered environment and  
handling failover issues.)

I'm not sure everything will fit in that timeframe, though.

-- Scott

> I know, I know, we're never satisfied. But hey, you guys have the
> three active branches going. ;-)
> Rob
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