On Sep 9, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Brad Bourne wrote:

> this resin.xml conf snippet used to work prior to the 3.2 release  
> and in
> some 3.2 alpha snapshot releases. It now seems like resin ignores it
> completely.
>    <host-deploy host-name="www.${host.name}"
> path="C:\Applications\workspace\">
>        <host-default>
>            <web-app-deploy path="."/>
>        </host-default>
>    </host-deploy>

I've added a bug report for this.  There was an important, but fairly  
complicated bug fix related to the host deployment, and your case was  
probably broken by it.  It's less straightforward than it looks  
because the ${host.name} needs to be treated as a macro for the  
deployed hosts, not an immediately evaluated item.

-- Scott

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