On Feb 11, 2009, at 10:08 AM, ngiudici wrote:

Hi all,

I’m trying to figure out how to send jms messages between different resin servers.

For now, you may want to use a different provider like ActiveMQ for remote JMS.

We're revamping our clustered JMS in Resin 4.0 to use BAM/HMTP as the underlying messaging protocol. One of the major motivations for BAM/ HMTP in Resin 4.0 is to improve the capabilities of all of our messaging, including JMS.

The 3.1 and 3.2 capabilities only let you queue to a cluster, i.e. define a "client" queue that sends remote messages to servers in a "server" cluster. If that's the capability you need, I can show the 3.1 configuration to make that possible.

-- Scott

I was able to get the tutorial here, http://www.caucho.com/resin/examples/jms-listener/index.xtp , working with no issues when I’m sending the message and receiving it on the same instance of resin. Now I need to extend this to be able to send the message from one machine and receive it in another but I can’t find anything that tell me how to configure this.

It is particularly frustrating that the documentation says “Messaging lets a servlet delegate processing to a batch process either on the same machine or on a separate machine” then fails to talk about how to do it from a separate machine.

Thanks for your time,

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