On Oct 5, 2009, at 6:22 AM, smallufo wrote:

Hi :

I am interested in integrating Spring and PHP.
I noticed QuercusModule  from here :

I wonder if it's possible to inject Spring's bean into QuercusModule ?

There's a spring_bean("my_name") function in the resin- spring-4.0.x.jar which will grab a spring bean. If you drop that jar in your classpath, you should see that function appear to Quercus.

If my QuercusModule is compiled (by myself) and jar-ed into normal web-app , and uploaded to WEB-INF , including using libraries in WEB- INF/lib ,
Will resin's PHP able to find my QuercusModule  ?

Yes, if your QuercusModule has a META-INF/services/ com.caucho.quercus.QuercusModule file with your module class name. Just list all your classes in that file. If you look in the resin.jar, you'll see the standard Quercus modules are registered using the META-INF/services.

-- Scott


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