Hi Scott,

I'm deploying Resin 4.0.2 snapshot to a cluster and found my
@ApplicationScoped bean  not distributed across the cluster nodes.

Is there anything to config to make it possible?

I searched Gavin's blog and found some examples regarding @Observes to
resolve this situation.

If I dispatch events to my @ApplicationScoped bean, instead of call
its methods directly, could I make the data synchronized across the

like this:

============= original implementation ===============
public class MyAppScopedBean implements Serializable {
    private Map<Integer, MyModel> models;

    public void addModel(MyModel model) {
        models.put(model.getId(), model);

public class MyController {
    MyAppScopedBean appScopedBean;

    public void execute() {

this implementation  was not distributable.

============= proposed implementation ===============
public class MyAppScopedBean implements Serializable {
    private Map<Integer, MyModel> models;

    public void addModel(@Observes @MyEventAnno MyEvent event) {
        MyModel model = event.getModel();
        models.put(model.getId(), model);

public class MyController {

    public void execute() {
        beanManager.fireEvent(new MyEvent(model), ... );

should this event be distributated to all MyAppScopedBean instances in
cluster nodes?


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