Thanks , but I tried some settings in 'ejb-jar.xml' ,  but still cannot get
the Stateless bean from JNDI ,
Here are some of my settings :

BeanType[com.caucho.config.types.DescriptionGroupConfig]: conflicting
attribute for 'xxx' between SetterAttribute
NameNotFoundException: java:comp/env/ejb/personService

EjbLocalRef[ejb/personService, null, null] init
NameNotFoundException: java:comp/env/ejb/personService

Not working
com.caucho.config.ConfigException: 'data.PersonService' must extend EJBHome.
 <home> interfaces must extend javax.ejb.EJBHome.

Is there any valid settings I can refer to (I've searched a lot ) ?

2010/3/25 Scott Ferguson <>

> smallufo wrote:
> >
> >
> > 2010/3/25 Scott Ferguson < <>>
> >
> > Thank you , it works !
> >
> > public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
> >   @EJB / @Inject both works
> >   private PersonService personService;
> >
> > Now I can inject into Servlet with @EJB and @Inject , though I don't
> > know the difference , the console dump seems nothing different.
> Well, you can think of @EJB as the obsolete JavaEE injection method,
> although @EJB does have JNDI side-effects.
> >
> > BTW , what is the populated JNDI name of the Stateless Bean ?
> > in my code :
> >
> > @Stateless(mappedName="ejb/personService")
> > @Local(PersonService.class)
> > public class PersonServiceImpl implements PersonService , Serializable
> >
> > Where goes wrong ?
> > Isn't the mappedName="ejb/personService" hooked into "java:comp/env" ?
> > Why resin (4.0.4) throws NameNotFoundException ?
> This is kind of complicated. Technically (according to the spec), the
> @Stateless does not register with JNDI at all - that's a Resin-specific
> feature. The JNDI registration occurs either with an <ejb-ref> or a @EJB
> annotation somewhere.
> But that's a part of the spec that we haven't completely tested yet. We
> have an open bug at to restore
> Resin's old behavior for backward compatibility.
> -- Scott
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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