On 07/07/2011 01:37 PM, Eric Kreiser wrote:
> I have my resin conf all setup... my servers starting/running, but if I
> load balance... and don't use stickiness to servers... the session is
> not kept in sync between the servers.  I am trying to test this all...
> so I am only running 2 servers - but both servers are configured as
> triads so that they should know about each other.  They are running on
> the same machine(just with different ip/ports) - so I am not having
> network issues or anything.
> snippet below from my config
> <cluster id="app-tier">
> <persistent-store type="cluster"/>
> <server id="a" address="" port="6803">
> <bind-ports-after-start>false</bind-ports-after-start>
> <watchdog-port>6701</watchdog-port>
> <watchdog-address></watchdog-address>
> </server>
> <server id="b" address="" port="6803">
> <bind-ports-after-start>false</bind-ports-after-start>
> <watchdog-port>6701</watchdog-port>
> <watchdog-address></watchdog-address>
> </server>
> <web-app-default>
> <session-config cookie-length="100" use-persistent-store="true">
> <session-timeout>200</session-timeout>
> <always-load-session/>
> <save-mode>before-headers</save-mode>
> <reuse-session-id>false</reuse-session-id>
> <serialization-type>java</serialization-type>
> <always-save-session>true</always-save-session>
> </session-config>
> </web-app-default>
> </cluster>
> what am I missing?

That looks fine. In the /resin-admin, do you see the servers able to 
connect to each other?
(The health tab will show connection failures in the Resin|Heartbeat 
check and also the Heartbeat tab.)

-- Scott

> thanks
> Eric
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