On 07/07/2011 06:18 PM, Eric Kreiser wrote:
I've attached a few logs

(I am running with 2 servers (server 'a' and 'b')... I have my logging configured a little differently - so not everything from resin go to my jvm log )

server-changing-session-attri_jvm.log === is from server a, when the request hit server a and server a changed a session attribute (so the session should have gotten pushed to server b but didn't)

server-changing-session-attri_stdout.log === is from server a, when the request hit server a and server a changed a session attribute (so the session should have gotten pushed to server b but didn't)

when-other-server-changes-session-attri.log === is from server a, when the request hit server b and server b changed a session attribute (so the session should have gotten pushed to server a but didn't)

You didn't include the request log from the second request.

-- Scott


On 07/07/2011 07:29 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
Can you create a log which include a servlet access that should replicate session data (at "finer" level) and mail me the jvm-xxx.log?

-- Scott

On 07/07/2011 04:17 PM, Eric Kreiser wrote:

On 07/07/2011 07:02 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
On 07/07/2011 03:51 PM, Eric Kreiser wrote:
I am having trouble getting resin-admin running inside my servers... is
there another way I can verify that the servers can see each other?

JMX or something?
The resin-admin is the easiest.

If you look at the logs (at the "finer" level), you should see something

    [11-07-07 15:30:14.378] {main} JvmDeadlockHealthCheck[OK:OK]
    [11-07-07 15:30:14.381] {main} MemoryTenuredHealthCheck[OK:87.63%
free (627.312M free, 715.850M max, 88.538M used)]
    [11-07-07 15:30:14.383] {main} HeartbeatHealthCheck[OK:OK]

You can look at JMX under the ClusterServer bean and look for the
isHeartbeatActive() and LastHeartbeatTime().

-- Scott

using JMX to look at both servers... the HeartbeatActive=true and the LastHeartbeatTime is getting updated as well

On 07/07/2011 05:01 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
On 07/07/2011 01:37 PM, Eric Kreiser wrote:
I have my resin conf all setup... my servers starting/running, but if I
load balance... and don't use stickiness to servers... the session is
not kept in sync between the servers.  I am trying to test this all...
so I am only running 2 servers - but both servers are configured as
triads so that they should know about each other.  They are running on
the same machine(just with different ip/ports) - so I am not having
network issues or anything.

snippet below from my config

<cluster id="app-tier">
<persistent-store type="cluster"/>
<server id="a" address="" port="6803">
<server id="b" address="" port="6803">
<session-config cookie-length="100" use-persistent-store="true">

what am I missing?
That looks fine. In the /resin-admin, do you see the servers able to
connect to each other?
(The health tab will show connection failures in the Resin|Heartbeat
check and also the Heartbeat tab.)

-- Scott


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