
I am migrating from 2 to 4.00.22

So far I am starting a web-tier with one load-balance server and an app 
tier with atriad of app servers.

It starts successfully and the docs and admin applications function.

watchdog-manager.log looks like below:

I tried adding sec:AdminAuthenticator as per 
"resin-admin-command-line.xtp" but it lead to new errors with the 
resin-admin-authenticator apparently duplicating the one already 
declared in the resin.xml generated by resin install.  This is 

[2011/09/15 15:57:08.288] {main}
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.288] {main} Linux amd64
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.288] {main} Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 
1.6.0_27-b07, ANSI_X3.4-1968, en
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.288] {main} Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 
20.2-b06, 64, mixed mode, Sun Microsystems Inc.
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.288] {main}
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.288] {main} user.name  = root
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.484] {main}
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.484] {main} resin.home = /usr/local/resin/
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.484] {main} resin.root = /var/www
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.484] {main}
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.484] {main} watchdog    = (:default)
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.484] {main} stage      = production
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.616] {main} 
WebApp[production/webapp/admin.resin/ROOT] active
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.616] {main} Host[production/host/admin.resin] active
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.617] {main} ProServer[id=default,cluster=] active
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.619] {main}   JNI keepalive: disabled for unknown 
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.620] {main}   JNI: file, socket
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.620] {main}
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.621] {main}
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.624] {main} http listening to localhost:6600
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.629] {main}
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.729] {watchdog-app-a} WatchdogChild[app-a] starting
[2011/09/15 15:57:08.742] {watchdog-app-a} Watchdog starting Resin[app-a]
[2011/09/15 15:57:09.514] {} 
HmtpServlet[WebApp[production/webapp/admin.resin/ROOT]] requires an 
active com.caucho.security.Authenticator because HMTP messaging requires 
authenticated login for security.  In the resin.xml, add an 
[2011/09/15 15:57:09.679] {watchdog-app-b} WatchdogChild[app-b] starting
[2011/09/15 15:57:09.684] {watchdog-app-b} Watchdog starting Resin[app-b]
[2011/09/15 15:57:10.894] {watchdog-app-c} WatchdogChild[app-c] starting
[2011/09/15 15:57:10.900] {watchdog-app-c} Watchdog starting Resin[app-c]
[2011/09/15 15:57:12.274] {watchdog-web-a} WatchdogChild[web-a] starting
[2011/09/15 15:57:12.283] {watchdog-web-a} Watchdog starting Resin[web-a]

Thanks for any pointers




Alan Wright
Athene Systems

tel 0845 230 9803

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