Explain to me why there is no content-type?

On 8/7/2013 8:23 AM, Arnd Schröter wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> thanks for your reply. It only works if YAML support is not included in
> RESTeasy. But in JBoss Application Server it is included
> https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Web_Platform/5/html/RESTEasy_Reference_Guide/Built_in_YAML_Provider.html.
> In this case ResteasyProviderFactory.getMessageBodyReader returns the
> YamlProvider for the unkown content-type (*/*)  which is not able to
> unmarshal the XML data to the Java class.
> Arnd
>> I dont understand your problem.  You invoke a HTTP GET request on the
>> DataExport service, works fine.  What does "method inside JBoss
>> Application server" mean?
>> On 8/7/2013 3:19 AM, Arnd Schröter wrote:
>>> Hello together,
>>> i am using RESTeasy to collect XML data from an external REST-API. It
>>> looks like:
>>> @Produces("application/xml")
>>> public interface DataExport {
>>>       @GET
>>>       @Path("results.htm")
>>>       Summary getData(@QueryParam("filterRule") final String filterRule,
>>> @QueryParam("startTime") final long startTime, @QueryParam("endTime")
>>> final long endTime, @QueryParam("attributeSieve") final String
>>> attributeSieve) throws Exception;
>>> }
>>> The returned Summary is a JAXB generated class based on a XSD.
>>> Calling this method outside a JBoss Application server works fine since
>>> RESTeasy internally uses the "JaxBXmlRootElemtProvider" message body
>>> reader to convert the XML string into the required object.
>>> Calling this method inside a JBoss Application server as part of a bean
>>> throws an exception saying that String cannot be casted to Summary. I
>>> found out that this comes from the fact that internally another message
>>> body reader is used, namely the "YamlProvider".
>>> What i found out is that this is connected to the response of the query
>>> which does not contain a content type. Since in the readers list the
>>> YamlProvider comes before JaxBXmlRootElemtProvider the YamlProvider is
>>> chosen which cannot convert the data.
>>> Do you have any idea how i can solve this issue despite adding the
>>> content type to the response?
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Arnd
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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